Archive for the ‘Branding’ Category

3 Timeless Branding Lessons from the Red Phone Box

Editor’s note: welcome to another episode  of “The London Chronicles.” Online PR and branding strategist Marc Harty, with the United Kingdom as his story backdrop, reveals proven methods for Online PR, publicity, marketing and branding, as you’ve never seen them before…Question: would you...
June 19th, 2010 | Branding | Read More

4 Branding Lessons Learned A World Away (Featuring Donuts)

Since this article is about branding and I've been a branding strategist for many years, let's be clear from the get go. I'm not talking about logos! This is about brand personality and marketing positioning. It all started with my recent world travel to Singapore and Malaysia. The trip lasted nearly...
March 27th, 2010 | Branding | Read More