Archive for the ‘Distribution’ Category

5 Ways Free Press Release Sites Can Cost You

Yes, free press release sites can and do cost the uninformed and even the experienced marketer. Some of the costs are screamingly obvious others are more hidden. And it's my role as your advocate to review and reveal them all. Let's roll!OK, so you've written your press release. Next action: online press...
June 26th, 2009 | Distribution | Read More

Press Release Distribution: Go Horizontal or Vertical?

Whether you are an entrepreneur, a company or a PR firm, the distribution of optimized press releases does present both challenges and opportunities. The good news? With a little extra work-make that a little extra attention-you'll maximize and leverage both the reach and longevity of all your optimized...
February 7th, 2009 | Distribution | Read More

Press Release Distribution: 4 Areas Where Even PR Pros Get Stuck

Getting stuck sucks. Maybe it's a momentary indecision or something more deep-rooted. The outcome, or lack there of is the same regardless. To give you some background on how I identified the top 4 press release distribution stumbling blocks, they were culled from the following sources:Source #1: client...
February 7th, 2009 | Distribution | Read More