Posts Tagged ‘publicity’

4 More Tips for Successful Online and Offline Publicity: Part II

Everyone loves publicity tips. Especially me! Part I and publicity tips #1-3 can be found here. Now here are 4 more proven tips. And one quick tip about implementation…don’t add all these tips at once. Pick one to focus on first. Gain some experience and a decent comfort level with that particular...
February 13th, 2011 | Media and Media Relations | Read More

3 Insider Tips for Online and Offline Publicity: Part I

You’re here because you’re interested in publicity. Now where to focus to get the best results?First, let’s look at how people view publicity compared to advertising. Did you know that publicity has 7 times the credibility compared to advertising? Wonder why?Publicity implies something is newsworthy....
February 4th, 2011 | Publicity | Read More

Negative Publicity a Weighty Issue? Not For Ex-Baywatch Star

Celebrity and negative publicity often go together like hand in glove. Case in point, I recently spent two weeks in London and the newspapers there are a lot more “tabloid” in their approach to news than their USA counterparts.And of course, I’m sure you’ve been following the David Letterman...
October 12th, 2009 | Publicity | Read More