Posts Tagged ‘twitter’

3 Insider Tips for Online and Offline Publicity: Part I

You’re here because you’re interested in publicity. Now where to focus to get the best results?First, let’s look at how people view publicity compared to advertising. Did you know that publicity has 7 times the credibility compared to advertising? Wonder why?Publicity implies something is newsworthy....
February 4th, 2011 | Publicity | Read More

The 4 Pillars of The New PR

PR has evolved. Even to the point it is now more relevant and more public than ever. New PR offers far more publicity opportunities than old PR ever did, especially for those who are not marketing experts. In “The New Rules of Marketing and PR" author David Meerman Scott explains, “The Internet has...
September 15th, 2009 | Online PR | Read More

The Top 10 PR Lead Sources on Twitter

What's a more likely scenario for media coverage: pitch a reporter out of the blue or a reporter who seeks an expert that matches your background precisely?It's the difference between "push" and "pull" PR. When you pitch a story, you are pushing your story to the media. Conversely, with "pull" PR, the...
March 18th, 2009 | Twitter | Read More

7 Actions to Amp the ROI of Every Online Press Release

Some PR traditionalists grow a little uncomfortable when you put ROI and PR or ROI and Online Press Release together in the same sentence. PR and publicity have traditionally been perceived as awareness and branding-driven, and less for making the cash register ring, at least directly.Yet with the advances...
February 7th, 2009 | Strategy and Trends | Read More

6 Online Media Room Essentials Reporters Want To See

First off, if you do a search online for the search phrase "media room" you'll get numerous results on where to put that 50-inch flatscreen TV. Uh, wrong media room. We're talking online media room. Because to fully maximize your PR and publicity efforts, you need an online media room or online newsroom....
February 7th, 2009 | Online Media Room | Read More