Posts Tagged ‘pr tips’

My Best Online PR Tips in 7 Minutes

My purpose behind is really quite simple. Take a sliver of time called a “time slice” where you can either learn or implement one of my proven Online PR tips in 30 minutes or less.With that in mind, I assembled some of my best tips in 7 minutes, 14 seconds. And rather than take you...
August 23rd, 2010 | Online PR | Read More

5 Ways Free Press Release Sites Can Cost You

Yes, free press release sites can and do cost the uninformed and even the experienced marketer. Some of the costs are screamingly obvious others are more hidden. And it's my role as your advocate to review and reveal them all. Let's roll!OK, so you've written your press release. Next action: online press...
June 26th, 2009 | Distribution | Read More

The Top 10 PR Lead Sources on Twitter

What's a more likely scenario for media coverage: pitch a reporter out of the blue or a reporter who seeks an expert that matches your background precisely?It's the difference between "push" and "pull" PR. When you pitch a story, you are pushing your story to the media. Conversely, with "pull" PR, the...
March 18th, 2009 | Twitter | Read More