My Best Online PR Tips in 7 Minutes

Online PR — By

My purpose behind is really quite simple. Take a sliver of time called a “time slice” where you can either learn or implement one of my proven Online PR tips in 30 minutes or less.

With that in mind, I assembled some of my best tips in 7 minutes, 14 seconds. And rather than take you though a long article, let me share these Online PR tips in visual form. If you’re like me (and about 70% of us) you process information best visually.

I have embedded a TV interview I did recently. You know what is the best thing about TV interviews? You absolutely must speak in sound bite form. This interview features those sound bites…

Watch the video and discover all the following:

  1. How many potential audiences will your online press release reach? It’s more than two, three, four or even five…
  2. My secret ingredient for making any press release timeless. (Starts with the letter “E.”)
  3. The optimal number of online press releases to send each month.
  4. What most online press releases are missing that negatively impacts response
  5. The 4 pillars of New PR—explained.

Now it’s your turn. View the video. Provide some feedback on the video. Do you agree with me? And if not, why not? Share your thoughts with me in the comments.

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  • Lwoodworth says:

    Great stuff, Marc! I like the practical tips for getting the word out and increasing our online presence!

  • Marc Harty says:

    Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. More on the way…

  • Marc Harty says:

    For my subscribers, I asked you a question in the P.S. of my email to you. Would LOVE to know what your thoughts are on that subject… 🙂

    ~ Marc

  • Anonymous says:


    Great clip…am getting close to needing a press release, and these tips are really good. Especially the 4 pillars.

    I never knew that you can embed video in a press release?? Brilliant!

    I also think the idea of a pr piece being “evergreen” is powerful. I hadn’t thought about it, but that is a great tip.

    Video is great and chock full of good stuff…

    P.S. I am a sucker for a p.s.. I’m not proud of that, but it’s true…

  • Mcjohnson says:

    Hey Marc,

    Thanks for the great clip! As for the “p.s.” thing I’m not sure what it is about it but I usually do read them.

  • Marc Harty says:


    Yes, the P.S. is very effective, but can also be somewhat expected.

    ~ Marc

  • Marc Harty says:


    Thanks for the kind words. And the feedback on the P.S. Good to know…


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