Focus on Facebook: 30minutepr Digest #3

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Each digest spotlights one strategy, method or web site. Digest #2 was Google+. This week it’s Facebook. Oh, and this issue contains a BONUS? It’s after the “Boos” section. Let’s get right to it! Here’s what found the spotlight…



Facebook advertisers can target by zip code:

Marc’s take:
Way cool!  Say you need to build your events or speaking practice in your local area.  Now you can geo-target and a whole lot more.

Like zeroing in on the prospects true passions…to start advertising on Facebook I found this program VERY helpful. Glad I didn’t let the ugly graphics stop me. The info was rock solid.


Twitter gets more Facebook-y:

Marc’s take:
I like it. Makes Twitter more relevant. These changes give you more insights on who to follow, what’s trending and more.





The Facebook dirty secret?

Marc’s take:
Wow. Make that DOUBLE wow. I will never look at Facebook Fan or Brand pages the same way again. And not for the reason you think!


Boring materials = marketing asset?

Marc’s take:
A novel idea. Turn boring product documentation into a marketing asset. I believe in making ALL material as consumable as possible. This article gave me a few ideas.




10 words totally misused in press releases:

Marc’s take:
Bottom line: the words made the list because those writing the releases are a) lazy or b) into corporate speak. Since I’m into neither, you’ll be glad to know my pre-written press release templates don’t contain any of those words either. They DO contain 17 pre-written headlines I’ve personally tested.


PR flack ties lame pitch to London riots:

Marc’s take:
Springboarding off a current event is one of my favorite and most successful techniques. But use some common sense! Give a story a twist but don’t shamelessly plug your product via a tragedy. Yuck!




Not opinion. Not theory. Just the facts…in this case, one truth about social media.

Social media sans measurement =LOSER

Marc’s take:
In today’s economic environment, social media MUST earn it’s worth. Sure, it may take longer to see the ultimate ROI. But you’re flying blind if you don’t track it. This article gives you a simple matrix to model. I like it. Even better, I’ll use it!

That’s it for this week’s digest.

Wait until you see Issue #4! We’ll look at QR codes, online video and Linkedin mistakes.

And here’s where I share what 99% of marketers never will: some links are to resources where I’m an affiliate. So when you click and decide to buy, I receive a commission. Always use your own best judgment before buying from anyone via the Internet or offline. I know I do.

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