Articles By: Marc Harty

Marc Harty is an online publicity expert, professional speaker, Internet marketing consultant and CEO of MainTopic Media, Inc. Marc’s Online PR Made Easy can help anyone at any skill level generate targeted web site traffic on autopilot.

Focus on Facebook: 30minutepr Digest #3

Each digest spotlights one strategy, method or web site. Digest #2 was Google+. This week it's Facebook. Oh, and this issue contains a BONUS? It's after the "Boos" section. Let's get right to it! Here's what found the spotlight... NEWS Facebook advertisers can target by zip code:'s...
September 9th, 2011 | News | Read More

Google+ Tips: 30MinutePR Digest #2

Are you on board with Google+? Have you built out your pages and expanded your circle? Or are you behind the curve on this new social media app? Either way, you've come to the right place!Every week I review 200+ articles and  resources.  On topics that include publicity, social media and more. This...
August 18th, 2011 | News | Read More

Introducing the 30minPR Digest: The Latest News, Views And Boos

Gosh, you're probably thinking, "just what the world needs another newsletter I don't have time for!" And I hear you. Because I have the exact same problem . I'm overwhelmed with all the PR, Publicity, Social Media and Internet Marketing that's on MY reading list.Fortunately, there's a solution that...
August 10th, 2011 | Latest News | Read More

Anatomy Of A Master Swipe File: Part I

Editor’s note: this is the first in a series of best practices on building  highly effective swipe files. A swipe file typically contains someone else’s intellectual property you purchased. As such a swipe should be for your own use or for that of your marketing team. Can you guess why I chose...
July 3rd, 2011 | Productivity | Read More

New Study of 64,033 Press Releases Reveals Major Fail

Who sent those releases? Why did they fail? And why so darn many? All questions deserve (and will receive) answers. Let’s start with the most obvious: the origin of those press releases.All 64,033 press releases were from politicians of the two major political parties here in the USA from 2005 to 2007....
April 25th, 2011 | Press Releases | Read More

Digital PR Nuggets: 3 Proven Rewards Of Winning Awards

I am publishing this digital PR article the day after the Academy Awards broadcast. So what does Digital PR have to do with the Oscars? Well, plenty, actually.The Oscars is THE publicity event of the year in the entertainment industry. And whether you watch them or not, they’re BIG news. So how can...
February 28th, 2011 | Online PR, Uncategorized | Read More

4 More Tips for Successful Online and Offline Publicity: Part II

Everyone loves publicity tips. Especially me! Part I and publicity tips #1-3 can be found here. Now here are 4 more proven tips. And one quick tip about implementation…don’t add all these tips at once. Pick one to focus on first. Gain some experience and a decent comfort level with that particular...
February 13th, 2011 | Media and Media Relations | Read More

3 Insider Tips for Online and Offline Publicity: Part I

You’re here because you’re interested in publicity. Now where to focus to get the best results?First, let’s look at how people view publicity compared to advertising. Did you know that publicity has 7 times the credibility compared to advertising? Wonder why?Publicity implies something is newsworthy....
February 4th, 2011 | Publicity | Read More

CutlerGate: How The Bears Dropped The PR Ball

How intense were the emotions from the NFC Championship game between the Chicago Bears and the Green Bay Packers?Chicago fans were burning the jersey of Chicago Bears Quarterback Jay Cutler after game. A Chicago car salesman wore a Packers tie the day after the game and got fired because of it. Only...
January 25th, 2011 | Media and Media Relations | Read More

New Press Release Templates Make “Do-It-Yourself” PR A Reality. Finally.

Editors note: this is a press release I ran a few days ago. Want to see a sneaky way of getting video into your press release at no extra cost. See the press release here: Online PR News – 20-January-2011 –Today’s press release marketing has evolved beyond simple announcements and awareness building....
January 22nd, 2011 | Latest News | Read More

And Your Theme for 2011 Is…?

Welcome to a new year and a new decade! Now, get to work… :-)Well,  how about a way to make this year the best ever? Before you answer, know that what I suggest is more fun than resolutions. And more big picture than goal setting.You see, rather than focus on the micro (resolutions) lets FIRST focus...
January 4th, 2011 | Productivity, Uncategorized | Read More

Good & Bad Online Marketing Stuff That Crosses My Electronic Desk

Welcome to the debut post of what will be a regular feature on this blog. It’s my “Picks & Pans” for the week. Future installments will be published on weekends. (All to give you some extra time to review and share your comments.)So what are “Picks & Pans” and why should you care?Simple....
November 15th, 2010 | Online Marketing | Read More

Headline Increases Response Rate 728%?

It’s true. A powerful headline is THE most impactful element of your entire content. Create the right one and your response could double, triple, be even seven times greater!The headline is the gateway to the rest of your content, message and story. Without a compelling headline, your press release,...
October 27th, 2010 | Copywriting | Read More

7 Land Mines Under Google Red Carpet?

Editors note: this is the second in a series of three articles about becoming a Google News Publisher via information products like Google Red Carpet. Google Red Carpet is blowing up. But not always in the way its owners or promoters intended. That’s because there are hidden risks that could blow...
October 1st, 2010 | Publicity | Read More

The Hook Vs. The Reality: Google News Publisher Pitch Exposed. [Part I]

Want a “VIP pass to Page One” of Google? That’s the hook for a new traffic method making the rounds in Internet marketing circles. It’s called Google Red Carpet by E. Brian Rose.And it’s not the only one. There’s a competing product by one of Mr. Rose’s students and other smaller products,...
September 25th, 2010 | Publicity | Read More