Google+ Tips: 30MinutePR Digest #2

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Are you on board with Google+? Have you built out your pages and expanded your circle? Or are you behind the curve on this new social media app? Either way, you’ve come to the right place!

Every week I review 200+ articles and  resources.  On topics that include publicity, social media and more. This edition turns the spotlight on Google+.

WARNING: you may find one of my “boos” risque. Think food. Think branding. And that’s all I’ll share for now.
(Get the full story later in the “Boos” section…)

On to THIS WEEK’s nuggets…


Google+ bigger than Twitter and Linkedin combined a year from now?

YES, according to the latest Google+ trends.

Marc’s take:
Google got this one right. (Unlike Google Buzz!.) I’m still getting up to speed on Google+. I found these 10 Google+ video tips VERY helpful.  And here’s a cool Google+ SEO experiment especially to test your authority status.


Joel Comm’s no-nonsense Google+ Guide:

Marc’s take:
I’ve examined several introduction guides and products to Google+. Surprisingly, I found Joel Comm’s free Google+ Guide to be more valuable than several paid products.

On page 20 of the guide, Joel quotes an SEO guru that was once in a local mastermind I attended here in Dallas. He regularly speaks at some of the top SEO conferences and hey, he’s in my Google+ circle. (If you’re curious, his name is Bill Hartzer.) I’ve always trusted Bill’s insights and so should you.



You’re really NOT that popular?

In our zeal to explode our Twitter followers, Facebook likes (and Google+’s), this social media expert looks inside the
numbers and doesn’t like what he sees.

Marc’s take:
The author is a voice I respect. His real conversion numbers for posts and tweets? Quite the eye-opener. Outside of sounding the alarm, he doesn’t suggest what to do next. So I will!

Create, build and amplify a story that only YOU can own.  My “Instant Story Starters” and “Power Personas” rapidly boost your own story worthiness. They’re yours FREE as bonuses with this#1 best seller.

BONUS resource: so often when we launch a new product or site, we don’t have a plan. So we scramble and often focus on the wrong things. Here’s an effective blueprint to launch your site the right way with the search engines, for the price of a few iced coffees.


Are you an authenticity washer?
You could very well be and not know it. No wonder the visual for this article is “Two Face”
from Batman:

Marc’s take:
I agree that perception rarely mirrors reality. This article will cause you pause if integrity is one of your highest values.
(As it is mine.)

Again, the author is raising the cry without offering a solution. When it comes to authenticity, transparency is critical.
As proof, I disclosure something later in this post that 95% of marketers fail to do.




Twitter CEO admits to editing trending topics:

Marc’s take:
The official response was to remove stuff that was obscene but it does make you wonder if they’re editing anything else.

Zagat’s 10 worst restaurant names:

Marc’s take:

PR’s not going to help you when the name of your restaurant is “Crappito’s” That name is G-rated. Others venture into PG and R-rated territory.

Where are you on Google+? Please share your feedback via the comments below.

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