Introducing the 30minPR Digest: The Latest News, Views And Boos

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Gosh, you’re probably thinking, “just what the world needs another newsletter I don’t have time for!” And I hear you. Because I have the exact same problem . I’m overwhelmed with all the PR, Publicity, Social Media and Internet Marketing that’s on MY reading list.

Fortunately, there’s a solution that serves us both. And well.

Because I ALWAYS have time for is actionable intelligence. And that’s exactly what I’ve delivered  in the past two weeks with The Digest’s first two issues. You see, helpful links are nice. Key insights are even better. So I’ll always give you my take as you’ll see below.

So why are you only hearing about this now? Because my subscribers get the latest the earliest. You can subscribe here and even get an optimized , 70% pre-written press release template free.  Hope to see you on board!

Editor’s Note: The Digest below was originally published via email on July 31st.

Presenting The ULTIMATE PR Digest: Issue #1

Every week I scour the web for the best info, tools, tactics and insights. (So you don’t have to.) All to better your marketing. And supercharge your business. Starting today, and every week, the bestof the best is just a click away.
EVEN BETTER: I’ll cover hot topics like social media, Google+ and more. Because it’s all publicity when you think about it. 🙂

Here’s what caught my eye THIS WEEK:


“Computer marries couple?”

How to make getting married news? This did it. Hat tip to Michael Young for sharing this:

Marc’s take:
Fun publicity stunt. Great lead in copy…”My Big Fat Geek Wedding.” Could be leveraged in all sorts of ways.


Evolution of the news story:
The shift from “frozen in time”news to real time news and what social media tools reporters rely on to make it happen.

Marc’s take:
I especially like the importance of context and tracking a news story as it evolves.



Social is Over?

A major investor in Facebook thinks so:

Marc’s take:
The author leveraged one of my most powerful publicity personas: the contrarian. While everyone sings the praises of social media, he says the contrary.

Resource: My Template System features a pre-written contrarian template plus a tutorial video.


What’s IN, What’s OUT and What’s Trending:
In the article they call it Social PR Fashion Statements. Not sure about that moniker but the rest is good stuff:

Marc’s take:
I agree that announcement-style press releases are OUT. That’s why my”Instant Story Starters” is something I’ll never sell. They’re THAT valuable. The good news? You can claim them as a bonus when you purchase this best-selling program.




“The emails we HATE reading most”
Ragan did a Facebook poll on 8 different types of emails (both business and personal.) Guess which email was the MOST dreaded?

Marc’s take:
I hate marketers emails that promote affiliate offers where they never disclose, as required by the FTC, that they are compensated if someone buys. Have one shred of integrity, please!


“3 things to NEVER say to a journalist”
Mickie Kennedy of shares where even experienced publicity pros trip over their tongues. Make sure this doesn’t happen to you.

Marc’s take:
There are many more. Like “what never to say to a journalist on Twitter.” I’ll compile THAT list…

That’s it for this premiere issue of the 30minPR Digest. What do you like? Want to see? Want me to investigate for you?

Please share your feedback via the comments below.

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