Posts Tagged ‘press release templates’

New Press Release Templates Make “Do-It-Yourself” PR A Reality. Finally.

Editors note: this is a press release I ran a few days ago. Want to see a sneaky way of getting video into your press release at no extra cost. See the press release here: Online PR News – 20-January-2011 –Today’s press release marketing has evolved beyond simple announcements and awareness building....
January 22nd, 2011 | Latest News | Read More

5 Ways to Labor WAY Less with Online PR

In honor of the US holiday, Labor Day, I write you today about labor. YOUR labor. And how by working smarter, not harder, you can gain more completion, and yes, better results with your Online PR.Before I share my list for less Online PR labor, did you know THE one element that could immediately short-circuit...
September 6th, 2010 | Online PR | Read More

The 5 Fatal Flaws of Common Press Release Templates

Over 12,000 people search Google every month for the keyword search phrase "How to write a press release?" That's a lot of folks in need of serious press release education and training.And yet how many people behind those 144,000 annual Google searches actually write a press release, rather than just...
March 13th, 2009 | Press Release Templates | Read More

5 Ways Online PR Is Like Kayaking

Here’s a different look at Online PR than you might expect. You see, I wanted to combine two of my favorite things: Online PR and Kayaking. At first glance, they couldn’t be further apart. Yet, upon closer inspection, the parallels were many. (Disclaimer: I am primarily referring to sea kayaking...
March 4th, 2009 | Press Releases | Read More