New Press Release Templates Make “Do-It-Yourself” PR A Reality. Finally.

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Editors note: this is a press release I ran a few days ago. Want to see a sneaky way of getting video into your press release at no extra cost. See the press release here:

Online PR News – 20-January-2011 –Today’s press release marketing has evolved beyond simple announcements and awareness building. As proof, a new, innovative press release template system helps savvy business owners generate quality business leads while accelerating their online visibility and credibility.

Marc Harty, an Online PR Strategist, doesn’t envy today’s business owners.

According to Harty, any business owner that also wears the marketing hat is in for a real headache. “Business owners are overwhelmed with marketing choices. Stick with the old or try something new? Do it yourself or outsource? Which marketing method performs best—today and tomorrow?”

Well, Marc Harty has one consistent answer to all those questions. Keep it simple.

While certain business owners may find value in more complicated marketing initiatives like search engine optimization, Pay Per Click Advertising and Online Video, those three methods often share similar implementation concerns. Learning curves and prices that are all equally steep.

All of which could make Online PR a more appropriate alternative. Enter an easy and affordable, do-it-yourself marketing solution like PR Traffic Templates.

As Harty shared, “At two recent speaking events in Los Angeles and Orlando, I took nearly 650 extreme beginners who were ‘cut and paste challenged’ and had all of them finish a 400 word press release before my leaving the stage. If they could do it I know with 100% certainty that business owners surely can.”

Besides fast, easy press release creation, what often surprises (and delights) business owners is the ability to reach prospects, customers and influencers directly. Many people still believe (incorrectly) that PR and press releases could only target the media.

In fact, Harty’s template system shows step-by-step how to target customers and the media via proven press release templates that are pre-written, SEO-friendly and story-driven.

Over the years, Harty’s company, Maintopic Media, has built a sizeable knowledgebase of best practices with Online PR and press release marketing. Many of those best practices are built into the press release templates, examples and the story creation materials included with the PR Traffic Templates product.

To see the real advantages of Online PR in action, and help business owners rank higher than their competition, go view this brief video presentation now:

“How To Gain Instant Online Exposure and Leverage – On A Budget”

The video reveals how business owners can gain instant online authority and credibility. And often faster, easier and more economically than ever before. And that’s a welcome outcome in today’s budget-stretching marketing environment.

For media inquiries, Marc Harty can be reached at 214.528.8300 .

About Marc Harty:
Marc Harty is an Online PR Strategist and creator of the PR Traffic Template System system. Marc is CEO of MainTopic Media, Inc., a ROI-driven, marketing consultancy and training company. Harty’s Digital PR training programs like Online PR Made Easy and the PR Traffic Template System offer the largest and most comprehensive Online PR video training library on the web today.

Marc has trained tens of thousands of people, and hundreds of businesses, on how to attract and convert sustainable, targeted, ready-to-buy traffic to their websites. His programs have been sold in over 30 countries and on every continent.” Marc’s career spans 25 years in Strategic Marketing and has generated over $239 million dollars for customers and clients.

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