What’s your Buzz Quotient? Social Media Monitoring with Filtrbox

Analytics — By

What’s your BQ? That’s Buzz Quotient… as in are you generating online buzz with your marketing and publicity efforts? Are you tracking and monitoring said buzz? If you’re not, you risk undermining your performance while giving your competition a decided leg up.

So what’s the best solution?  Well you can sign up for Google Alerts. Google Alerts delivers right to my email inbox a handy digest of what was being said about me, my company or my products—all tracked by keyword phrase.

(Disclosure: my PR Traffic course provides a full step by step on Google Alerts and how it can help your online PR efforts.)

And while helpful, informative and providing some extra viral marketing juice, Google Alerts just didn’t go far enough. That led me to the Filtrbox, a web, social media and buzz monitoring service.

Watch my Video review and Insta-Tutorial of  Filtrbox and immediately discover:

  • Why monitor buzz and why Filtrbox.
  • 3 key benefits Filtrbox provides that Google Alerts does not.
  • How segmenting your metrics boosts social media marketing ROI.
  • How to set up your own buzz monitoring folders and “filtrs” in less than 2 minutes.

Be sure and comment and share your feedback on your own buzz marketing and monitoring experience.

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  • Chris Gray says:

    This Filtrbox is like the ever popular TweetDeck, or in my case, SeesmicDesktop, but covers the entire media spectrum.

    As I continue to up my BQ for myself and my clients, I will use this to view the blog, media, and social media all in one place.

    Thanks for introducing this!

    Twitter ID: @goglobalwebs

  • Chris Gray says:

    This Filtrbox is like the ever popular TweetDeck, or in my case, SeesmicDesktop, but covers the entire media spectrum.

    As I continue to up my BQ for myself and my clients, I will use this to view the blog, media, and social media all in one place.

    Thanks for introducing this!

    Twitter ID: @goglobalwebs

  • Hello, can you please post some more information on this topic? I would like to read more.

  • Hello, can you please post some more information on this topic? I would like to read more.

  • As I continue to up my BQ for myself and my clients, I will use this to view the blog, media, and social media all in one place.

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